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Apple Discontinues “Hey Siri” and Introduces a New Wake-Up Command

So, Apple has decided to change the way we activate Siri, its voice assistant. Instead of saying “Hey Siri,” we will now only need to say “Siri.” This change was announced at the WWDC 2023 event where Apple introduced the new iOS 17 system.

The reason behind this change is that Apple has made improvements to the technology behind Siri. In the past, it was easier to activate Siri with two words, but now it can respond to just one word. Apple has optimized the background processes and reduced false touch activations.

This may seem like a small change, but it will take some time for users to get used to it. However, in the long run, it will be easier for users since they only need to say one word to activate Siri.

This change also shows that Siri is getting better and more advanced. It now has a system that can understand and respond to a single-word wake-up call. This is a positive sign that Apple is continuously working to improve the Siri experience for its users.

Apple’s decision to discontinue “Hey Siri” and adopt the simpler “Siri” command demonstrates their commitment to providing the best user experience. They are constantly looking for ways to enhance their products and make them more user-friendly.

In conclusion, Apple has made a significant change to Siri by replacing “Hey Siri” with just “Siri” as the wake-up command. This change reflects the advancements in Siri’s technology and will make it easier for users to activate the voice assistant. Apple’s focus on improving the Siri experience shows their dedication to delivering the best possible user experience.

Md Isteyaj

Founder Of HACKART. A 22 years old Student, Md isteyaj is an accomplished tech news writer for a leading tech news website. Listening Music is my favourite thing.

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